Friday, July 31, 2009

"God's Way"

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

I listen to Rick & Bubba every morning on my way to work. They just have good clean fun and truely love the Lord. They bring Christ into everything they do. This morning on my way in I was of course listening and my heart was breaking. Rick was talking about emails that he was getting about a family in Opp, AL that lost there 2 year old twins this week in a horrible drowning accident. People had been sending him emails about this family bc nearly 18 months ago he too lost his young son.

He just asked that everyone pray for this family.

He made a remark that really struck me, one that I have never really thought of until he put it this way. He said that during the death of his son people would say to him, "We dont know why things like this happen". His comment to those people was, "Well I do, because God said it was to be"

I know that to be true but never have really understood or looked at the "Why" before in this way. We always want answers, but at a time of grief do not think about the answers already being there in God's word.

I cannot nor do I ever want to know what this family this family is going through, losing a family member is hard enough, but I cannot imagine the pain from the loss of a child. I have a friend that I went to school with that lost two babies before she even met them and is now pregnant with a healthy baby boy who will soon be welcomed by a big brother and sister. I am so excited for her and her family and I know and she knows that her babies are in heaven sitting on the lap of Christ.

I ask that we all lift Greg and Meridth Ramer of Opp, AL up to the Lord as they mourn the loss of Kendall and Braden Ramer. I do not know this family, but through Christ we are all brothers and sisters.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


"This means tremendous joy to you, I know, even though you are temporarily harassed by all kinds of trials and temptations. This is no accident—it happens to prove your faith, which is infinitely more valuable than gold" (1 Peter 1:6-7 PH).

18 week and 1 day and this baby is moving like crazy today. I think maybe she is going through a caffine withdrawal as I did not have a morning cup of coffee today, so I might have to venture by the gas station on my way home and get a cup - hehe. I love the mornings, I get up a little extra earlier than I have to just to have that solid quiet time.





ME, GOD and my cup of Coffee
I got these pictures of pretty coffee - if coffee can be pretty - in an email a while back. I think it is so neat how they make the designs. I have tried using the whipped milk, the equal and then just regular milk. But I cant get it to work - guess im not a coffee artist. But they sure make it look so pretty - almost to pretty to drink - almost.

We are getting a little closer to school starting and I am sooooo ready. Im ready for Gracie to go to bed before me, instead of staying up all night, so she will not come in my room at 11:30pm and wake me up to ask me a crazy question. Last night the quesiton was if we could take animal (her dog) to get a hair cut at the vet, I just try to keep reminding myself that I will soon wish to have these days back because she will be grown before I know it. She is only about 3 1/2 weeks away from being 9. Time is flying by so fast, my baby isnt a baby anymore. She moves up to the upper elementary this year. I just hope she always needs me.

I love that song by Trace Adkins that says "Your gonna miss these days" bc I already miss them. Seems like we were just in the hospital having her and she is about to be "9". I didnt know I could love someone so much until I had her. She can be my biggest pain in the behind - but she is even more my greatest joy in my life. She says Jake is my favorite - I know she just uses that to irritate me like I tell my mom that Eric is her favorite - although that is true (Eric is her favorite (hahaha). I just pray that Gracie truely knows how very much I love her.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Carefully consider the path for your feet, and all your ways will be established" (Proverbs 4:26)
The weather we are having lately has been just awesome. I do not ever remember it being in the 80's in July. It has really been nice to go home in the afternoons and play outside with the kids. The last few days though there has not been much playing. I have a cold and I cant take anything it seems. I want to be safe for the baby, but man would I like to take some Nyquil and just sleep this cold away. It just seems like it has completely drained me.

We will be 18 weeks pregnant tomorrow - on our countdown to finding out for sure if we are growing a girl or a boy. I still feel really sure and confident that we are going to have a "SOPHIE" but if she decides to be a HE then I know we will be just as tickled, just having a hard time with boy names - Im just ready to know so we can start on the baby room - seems like that will make it official when we start buying baby stuff.

I have two bedding sets picked out. One boy and one girl and as soon as we find out I pressing the enter button. Let me know what you think.

I like this for a little boy. For some reason we have been calling the baby (boy or girl) monkey. I think my mom started this and it has kinda stuck. I just thought this was sweet and I could do alot with it.

I really like this for Sophie, if the baby is a girl. I have always loved cherry blossoms and this was just perfect when I saw it. I can just see the room all fixed up pretty. I think I have my mom talked in to crocheting me a blanket like the one in the background, since its a winter blanket she will need something pretty to come home in.

Just cant wait to know for sure though.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people" (Colossians 3:23)

It is so beautiful outside today. This is one of the days that I wish I didnt work and I could be at home with my kids playing outside and enjoying this unusally nice July weather. It is just a perfect weather day.

Cody made it through surgery great and was able to come home this morning. The Dr said everything went great and he should recover easily and without any problems as long as he follows instructions. Please pray that he will, like most men he is hard headed and determined to go, I pray that he will just rest and let God heal his hand.

I have made it to 17 weeks and still growing. Seems like im growing and showing a lot faster this go around, but ive talked to several people and they did the same thing with their third pregnancy. We are suppose to go in 2 weeks and hopefully find out what the baby is. I still feel really strong about the baby being a girl, even Sam refers to the baby as she or her. He finally seems to be getting into it, I think since I have started feeling a little better its easy for him to do, he has a hard time when I dont feel good or if I hurt. He is such a big macho man until he thinks I need him to take care of me, it can be sweet when he wants to.

Boy or girl I think its gonna be active. The baby moves all the time. Went a few days and didnt really feel much movement and of course my mind starts wondering, but she is making up for it now.

Officially on the countdown to school starting for Gracie. We go meet our new teacher the 4th of August. That is going to be a crazy week. Sam has a dentist appt Monday, we meet the teacher Tuesday, I go to the dr Wednesday and school starts Thursday. I dont know what I will do Friday not having anything to do.

We have hummingbirds like crazy. They were feeding last night and I got some really good shots. You have to be careful when you walk outside or they will dive bomb you. I have to fill those feeders up every night right now to keep them happy. They are so funny - they will just fly around you while you are filling the feeders just waiting for me to hang them back up.

Hope the day is a blessing for all and please continue to pray for my brother.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


"This means tremendous joy to you, I know, even though you are temporarily harassed by all kinds of trials and temptations. This is no accident—it happens to prove your faith, which is infinitely more valuable than gold" (1 Peter 1:6-7).

Things have been so crazy the last few days. We took Ashlyn home Saturday afternoon, thats a long drive. Sunday I helped Sam work on a carport at our house. I worked my tale off and wore myself out. Finshed helping Sam Monday afternoon with the carport and it looks really good. My grandmother got a call that my uncle Mike is not doing really good and I got a call Monday that my baby brother, Cody, broke his arm working and is going to have surgery. VBS is this week at church and I just all in all have not felt really good. I think I just over did myself Sunday. I know I can still do alot of things even though im pregnant, but I forget that it wears me out alot more. I push myself and it just drains me alot faster than normal. I couldnt even hold my eyes open yesterday and by last night I was done. I went to bed about 7:30 and woke up 5 this morning, but I feel so much better.

I just got a call that they have taken my Cody back and should start surgery here in a little bit. I ask that everyone just pray for him. He is just having a hard time. Just cant seem to get his feet on solid ground at this time in his life. I know the Lord is with him and working on him.

Just some pictures of Cody . I love him so much. I remember taking care of him when he was a baby. Just want the best for him.

Friday, July 17, 2009


"But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!" (Habakkuk 2:3).

Things have been crazy this week having my two kids and my niece at home this week. I think my granny is wore out. They have been really good other than the little bit of yin yang that comes from girls. I have let Jake go over to Sam's momma this week just to help a little bit and not be so many kids for my granny. All and all they have been really good this week. We are leaving tomorrow to take her home - really gonna miss her.

Well I just want to share how God sent me a blessing this morning. It was unexpected and to some may not be viewed as a blessing but I know it was Him just sending me a "GOOD MORNING". I got up this morning and did my usual got dressed fix Sam's breakfast and got Jake ready to go to his Pawpaw's. I couldnt decide what I wanted for breakfast so I just decided to get something in town, since I been pregnant I have not really been a breakfast person but I know come about 8:30 or 9 I will be starving so I try to eat something.

Anyway I decided to stop by McD's and get a biscut. I had pulled up to one of the drive thru things to order and about the same time another lady pulled into the other drive thru area. Didnt really think about it at all, I was caught up in thinking or something. I placed my order and pulled up behind the other lady who got there after me but ordered before me - you have to know our Mc'Ds - we have two ordering places and then you just pull to the window - kinda wierd but it works.

Well the other lady got to the window and paid the bill and pulled up to get her food, I pulled up and tried to pay for mine but the girl working the registar had messed up and let the lady in front pay for my order and things got all messed up from there. I bet I waited in line 15 minutes just trying to pay and get my food. The other lady had a vehicle similar in color to mine so I think the girl just looked at the color of the car and not the vehicle itself because our trucks look nothing alike. Well I kept waiting and finally the lady in front pulled up a little to wait on her order since things got mixed up and when I pulled up the girl in the window gave me my food and handed me some money that the lady in front had left for me and gave me the message from the lady saying that she was sorry that it got mixed up and sorry that I was held up bc she didnt pay attention when she paid for it. I was like in total shock. My order was $3.33 and the lady left $3.50 for me at the window. I pulled up to the lady and tried to give her money back and she was so sweet about it. She told me to please take it and told me to please just have a safe and happy day.

I pulled away and just sent a huge thank you up knowing that it was the Lord that had done this. Just sent me a smile for my morning. He protected us during the storm last night and sent a beautiful sun this morning.

We forget sometimes that God wants us to be happy and sometimes he just gives us little happy's to us like we give happy's to our children. He loves us so much and just sends us reminders that he loves us so much.

With his arms stretched wide, Christ showed us how much he loved us. I pray that this weekend will be filled tremendous blessings for all.

I took these pictures awhile back of a beautiful sunrise that I saw coming to work one morning and remembered them this morning when I was greeted with yet another beautiful sunrise.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"O Lord, You have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; You persceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways" Psalm 139:1-3

Things have been crazy at our house this week. We went and picked up my niece Ashlyn "a.k.a Princess". She is so rotten. her and Gracie have been having a really good time when they are not arguing. They dont really fight - they just yin yang about everything. I think that comes from Ashlyn being an only child and Gracie being the oldest child. Jake just dont care as long as somebody plays with him - he will do whatever.

Pray for Sam. He went to the dentist today and is not really feeling well :( . He goes back in a few weeks for them to finish. I dont know if the tooth work hurt him more or if the cost of all of it hurt worse - just pray for him.

Pics of us going to get Ashlyn and some new ones of Animal. He is so rotten

Friday, July 10, 2009

"But if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other. Then the blood of Jesus, God's Son, cleanses us from every sin. If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:7-8 NCV).

Granny went with me to the dr yesterday, had a really good visit. Baby's heart beat was nearly 160 beats/minute. Granny was excited to hear it. Dr said everything looks good. We go back August 5th and hopefully get to have our ultrasound, if not that day then they will schedule it for the next couple of days. Also we are planning on having a 3D ultrasound. I didnt have this with Gracie or Jake and I just think it will be so cool - especially for the kids, but this ultrasound want be for another few months - I think he said its best to do those around 28 weeks which for me will be around the first of October, but we will have the normal ultrasound in about a month and hopefully the baby will be cooperative and let us see all God gave it so we will know BOY or GIRL - still feeling its a girl though.

I had to also take Gracie to the dr this morning. She has these little spots come up called melacossum or something and they have to freeze them off. She was really strong and brave and didnt cry even though she wanted to really bad - but she said strong. See our battle scars!!!

I am so proud of her for being so strong. She is growing up so fast. We went to the dr by ourselves this morning, Jake had stayed with Granny, and me and Gracie just laughed and cut up the whole time we were gone. She can be so sweet sometimes. Just pray that she will not have any more of these bumps come up, they are really painful to get froze off, not just for her either - I think I finally got feeling back in my hand from her squeezing it so hard.

Hope this is a blessed weekend for everyone

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pretty Flowers

"But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!" (Romans 1:19)

Not much going on this week. The weather has been really nice, not nearly as hot as it has been being. We are 15 weeks baby strong today. She is about the size of an apple - just add legs.

Jake has told several people that we are having twins bc Sam told him one baby was hiding behind the other baby in the sonogram we had a few weeks ago. We are only having one baby and that breaks Gracie's heart, she wants to baby girls so bad it hurts. I just dont know that I could handle twins.

Well here are some pretty flowers to look at. I took these last night and this morning out of my grandmothers garden. The heat is getting to some of them and yet others look so pretty, especially early in the morning. It is so wonderful that God shares such beauty with us.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands" (Psalm 90:17 NIV).

My Mawmaw and Pawpaw came home this weekend for a few days. They miss living in Greenwood so much bc all there family is there. I know that they are doing well living with my aunt and uncle on the coast but I miss them so much. We were able to go down and see them Saturday and spent most of the day. The kids love going to Mawmaw's bc she always cooks them chicken nuggets and they pretty much get away with anything when we are there. They will be back in a few weeks for our family reunion and I cant wait. I just love seeing them come home. My Pawpaw is doing a lot better from his stroke and he can get up and walk a little with help - just makes me so thankful to the Lord for all He has done for my Pawpaw.

These are some pictures that we took at Christmas right before my Pawpaw had his stroke. I just love them so much.

I Pray that today has been a blessed day. Tomorrow I will be 15 weeks pregnant and the baby is getting a little more active. Still just feels like little bubbles popping in my belly but I know that it is our sweet little monkey just growing.

Monday, July 6, 2009


"Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering" (Romans 12:1 MSG).

Well we survived the 4th of July and the scorching heat. Sam never ever takes off work but he actually took of Friday (day before the 4th) and we all went to the zoo in Memphis. Me, Sam, Gracie, Jake and Granny.

We had a really great time.

The kids were really excited about going, but I dont think they were as excited as Sam was. He wanted to leave at 6 in the morning to be the first ones there - He is crazy.

Jake was running every where. He wanted his picture taken with absolutley everything we passed.

We finally got to see some animals and the kids ran from animal to animal. I think my grandmother had a really great time. She took her time and looked at every single animal we passed.

I think the Giraffes were my favorite. They had a little baby giraffe that was running around playing just like a little kid.

Gracie liked the Zebra's.

Sam and Jake just wanted to see the alligators and the snakes. I could have gone the whole trip without seeing any snakes.

And of course every body liked the Penguins. "HAPPY FEET". They are just so cute to watch. They swam and did little acrobats in the water. It was really cool to watch

We ate a Jim Neely's BBQ in Memphis. We had seen it on TV and one of America's top 10 places to eat BBQ and let me tell you - I made myself sick I ate so much. I had a pulled porked sandwich and an order of BBQ Nachos. - SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!!!!!

I hope everyone had a blessed 4th of July.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

My preacher talked about the verse above last night during Wednesday night service. It was so ironic that he was talking about this, especially after a conversation that I had had with a really good friend just hours before. My preacher had been to a funeral earlier in the day of a young boy who had been killed on a 4 wheeler wreck. He was only 13. John spoke of the grief that the mother was going through. I cannot even imagine. John talked about the loneliness in the mother and not knowing if she knew the Lord. I dont know this family so I will not judge but even Gracie had mentioned after church that the little boy might not have known Jesus, and she wondered what God would let happen to him since he was a kid - that broke my heart.

I cannot imagine my life without Christ. Just a dark world of wandering and going no where. Out of the Jews, the disciples and the Twelve in John 6, only the Twelve stayed bc they knew there was no where to go if they left Jesus.

Just like in the verse above the thief came into this family, we can only pray that the Lord will shine on this family and not allow the family to be destroyed.

We can take this verse to other areas of our lives other than death. Work right now has been less than happy. I am feeling broke down at work. I have been blaming it on my hormones - being pregnant changes everything, but I now believe that it is more than that. I have enjoyed my job for so long and felt such a part and important and needed. I think that maybe Satan has caught on to my joy and has saught to destroy that part of comfort that I have had. The same thing happens in marriages, in church's, with children and in our relationship with Christ.

If we have Jesus - like Gracie says "Jesus is tangled in her heart" meaning that like a large tangle of Christmas lights, He will not come undone if He is tangled in our hearts. I just love that, so innocent but what a huge meaning.

The thief has sought to destroy me before, my family, my attitude and my relationship with Christ. But in my weakness Christ stood strong and held my family together, made my attitude happier and strengthened my love for Him. For without Christ I am nothing

My blessings are to huge to count, but my Lord continues to bless me. Just a few of my blessings below. My husband and my kids, my grandparents, my brothers and my mom and pop. I also have a really great mother and father-in-law who accept me as if I am theirs and love my kids totally - just didnt have any pictures available, and a Dad who lives in Nashville, whom I never get to see but I love him just as much.

Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

How many visitors have we had

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Brand New

Brand New

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1 Month

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2 Months

3 Months Old

3 Months Old

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Seven Months

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9 Months