Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Counting Down

But let the righteous be glad, let them rejoice before God, and let them overly rejoice    Psalm 68:3

This is the last week of my Second Trimester. Sophie is 27 weeks today and I promise you she is growing. I had someone tell me at the soccer field that I was getting huge, thanks for the encouraging words Tommy.

She has been really active most days, I can definitly tell that she is getting bigger and that I am running out of room.
We go to the doctor next Wednesday and then start going every 2 weeks. Really starting to countdown now.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Going Home

I am going there to prepare a place for you     John 14:2

I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am      John 14:3

Sunday morning around 10am my cousin Steve went to be with the Lord. He was surrounded by his mother, his wife, my aunt, his sister and his young daughter.

Our heart is aching at this time for the loss of his body on this earth but rejoicing for the gain that heaven has recieved in his coming home.

Please just continue to pray for our family and especially lift his young children up.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fav's on Friday

I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints    Psalm 85:8

My Fav's this week are short and sweet!

Healthy kids, bc I have one at home sick right now. Gracie got sick this morning on our way to school

A happy Granny bc her Heart has been hurting so much with my cousin Steve being so sick and she cant be there for him.

A playful Jake bc he has been rather still this week after hurting his foot earlier in the week by stepping on a nail.

A less stressed Husband, bc I love him and dont like seeing him stressed out with work

And a weekend when its not raining!

I pray that this will be a blessed weekend for everybody!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


O God, we give thanks to you! We proclaim how great you are and tell of the wonderful things you have done.    Psalm 75:1

Our family is asking for your prayers and the lifting up of my cousin Steve Goasa. I recieved a call this morning that he is critically ill. Steve has been suffering with cancer for the last several months.
We were so blessed a month ago when we found that the Lord had shrank the cancer mass in his leg nearly 90%. We were so grateful and gave all praise to HIM. Steve was then convinced to undergo one more round of treatment and then hopefully be able to undergo surgery at that time.
Since then, Steve has taken a turn for the worse. The treatment he was taking caused leakage of the poison to escape into his lungs. There was only one type of medicine at this time that could reverse the affects. They had the medicine flown in from New Jersey to California but were only able to administor half the dose needed.
Since this time Steve has began to collect fluid and his kidneys are not functioning properly. They are having to draw 3 to 4 units of fluid off of him daily.
He is so malnourished and has lost over 100 pounds. They doctors did not want to give him a feeding tube do to the risk of infection and his system being so weak, but last night at meeting with his wife Michelle they decided that he must have the feeding tube or he would starve to death.
Steve wants to go home, but going home is really not an option. If he goes home they will not be able to administor the IV which is keeping his kidney's functioning the little bit that they are, and they would not be able to draw the fluid off of his body, which would cause his kidney's to completely shut down.
My Aunt called this morning to let me know that Steve is so critical. They have him sedated at this time, and he is in a lot of pain. My Aunt is flying out from Arkansas this morning to be with him in California.
Steve has two young children, Brittany 12 and Ryan 4 months. 
Please pray that God will embrace him and that also God's will be done.

We love him very much

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

26 Weeks

Let me hear joy and gladness     Psalm 51:8

Sophie is 26 weeks today. Only about 14 weeks until we get to see her precious face, and man am I ready. I have had heartburn like crazy today. I do not remember having heartburn with Gracie or Jake. They say it is an indication that the baby will have a lot of hair - dont know if that is true or not but Gracie and Jake were both bald, Jake until he was 1 year old. I kinda hope she has curly hair like Gracie does.

Here is about what Sophie looks like - ALOT PRETTIER OF COURSE.

She has been so active lately.

I also need some help. I am looking for a moses basket. I had one with Gracie and Jake. When I worked at the bank in Greenwood, some of the ladies gave me one as a shower gift and I used it so much. Well in my thinking we were not having any more children I gave it to someone and dont remember who I gave it to. Then I changed my mind and wanted another baby, then BAM, Sophie is coming and I so want a moses basket to use with her. It was just wonderful being able to lay the babies in the basket and them be where ever I was.
In case your not sure what im talking about here is a picture.

I have found some on line and I saw one in Tupelo the other day when I went to the doctor but they are $100.00 or more. I like bargains, so I need something cheaper than that. Any help in the hunt will be greatly appreciated!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


We are what he made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works    Ephesians 2:10

What does one sweet little boy

Plus one spider man flip flop

Plus one rusty old nail equal

Well it equals a little boy, not listening and stepping on the nail and hurting his foot.

Yesterday evening after supper, Jake went to Mr. Hamiltons house (our neighbor who is more like family than just a neighbor) to "help him" like he does just about every day.
I was on the phone when I heard Mr. Hamilton bringing Jake in and Jake was crying. He had stepped on a nail out behind Mr. Hamilton's workshop. I dont know who was more upset, Jake or Mr. Hamilton. He said he told Jake not to get over there but Jake being the little boy that he is, didnt listen.

I got him cleaned up and let him soak his foot in some warm salt water to try to help draw the soarness out. He was pitiful. Trying to walk. And just to get an idea, he is a dramatic person, so it took everything he had to walk on his hands bc he couldnt even put his foot on the floor bc it hurt, then the very next moment he would be moving around like nothing happen until he thought about it and then the world would stop and he would be cripple again. It was so funny watching him.
I did let him stay home today bc it was a little swollen. Maybe he will stay off of it a little. I also called the dr to make sure that his shots covered something like this and if not I can take him and let them look at it so Lord willing it want get infected.
Please just pray for him and his small injury. If you know Jake, you know that he never stops and he knows nothing but full speed ahead.

Jake and Mr. Hamilton a few months ago at a singing where Mr. Hamiltion played the guitar

On another note, MS McKenzie Kate Austin is doing much better this morning. Her mom said she had a restful night and has not run any fever since yesterday morning. Thank you for praying for her and her family.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sweet Baby

The world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever.   1John 2:17

I am asking that everyone please lift up McKenzie Austin in prayer this morning. She has been sick for several days now and her parents took her to the ER last night. Mckenzie has just turned 1 year old and is the sweetest little thing. Always with smile on her face and such a delight to her family. Her mom, Jodie, is my very dearest friend and I know seeing her baby sick and really not knowing what to do breaks her heart.

Please just lift this family up and pray that the Lord will lay HIS healing hands upon McKenzie.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fav's on Friday

These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full       John 15:11

My fav's for this Friday are things that dont cost at all. This week it has rained liked crazy every single day. We have been pretty much home bound after work and school, which Im not complaining about at all bc I have been in a mood to just be at home and not doing all the going that our normal weeks consist of with Church, Soccer practice, soccer games and all that other stuff that pulls you away from home.
This week I have just enjoyed being with my kids, my husband and my grandmother at home just chilling.

My first favorite I got at the first of the week when my grandmother made her famous

Man they are so good. Warm them up and have a big glass of cold mild, that has been my right before bed snack this week. Maybe not the most healthy, but they are OOOHHH so good.

My second was the other night when Jake finally picked a different book to read other that "SAM I AM". Every night Me, Jake and Gracie will sit down and read and Jake always picks "SAM I AM". But not this night he finally chose a different book. Still a Dr. Suess book but this time it was "CAT IN THE HAT"

Then Gracie made me a picture one night with all my childrens names on it for my fridge.

Didnt get to get a picture of her making this for me, but I took a picture of her drawing something different. She draws and colors all the time. I have so much art work around the house from my little "ARTIST"

Then Jake so the opportunity to have his picture taken, he is such a ham. If he sees a camera or even thinks he hears mine turn on he comes running with a huge smile hollering "TAKE MY PICTURE TOO"

Then last night we laid for the longest time watching Sophie move around in my belly. I dont think she slept at all yesterday. She rumbled around all day at work and then all night. SO my fourth favoritest thing this week was feeling my new baby girl dance around in my belly.
Yep!!! Thats my ever expanding mountain of a belly. Feeling her move is still the most unusual but the most awesome feeling in the world. Knowing that MY GOD has placed this wonderful baby in my belly for me to love and hold and be her mother, it is just overwhelming at times.

Then last on my list is an amazing SUN picture I took on my way home from work the other day. It has been raining all week, but for a very short period of time, God let his light shine down on me.

Some of the most beautiful Sun shines come right after a rain. Right after He has poured his water upon us cleansing the earth and then letting his light shine on us to brighten our day and show his love. It is amazing knowing that HE loves us so much.

Have a blessed and joyful weekend.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received         1 Peter 4:10

My sweet little girl this morning did nothing but hold my hand.
I have just felt overwhelmed lately and I finally broke down this morning.
She was in the back of my truck when we went to get the girls for school and I was crying, why I dont know, I was just having my moment.
When we stopped to get the girls she got out and sat in the front with me and just held my hand all the way to town. I didnt ask her to, never intended for her to do such a sweet jesture. But her touch and the thought she gave on her own melts my heart.
I am so blessed in my life, and this little girl is more of a blessing than I can explain.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Those Days

The joy of the Lord is your strength .... Nehemiah 8:10

Do you ever feel like this?
I dont know if its the weather or what but today is just one of THOSE DAYS! Just cant seem to get my head into the game. Feel half awake.
I know His glory is gonna shine on me today though and I pray that He will be with you also!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


You sahll love the Lord thy God with all you heart, and all your soul, and all your mind, and all your strength; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself Luke 10:27

My Granny, bless her sweet little heart, has been so emotional lately. Im pregnant and she is way more emotional than I am. I know she has had a lot on her mind lately with my cousin Steve battling cancer, her getting adjusted to not working anymore and then moving in with us. I know that she has just been overwhelmed with emotions.
I ask that you all lift her up in your prayers. She is going to the doctor today to see about this spot that has come up on her chest. It started as a little bump, but has in the last couple of weeks grown to about the size of a silver dollar. My sweet next door neighbor is taking her, I am so blessed to have the wonderful neighbors that we have. The Hamiltons love us and we love them as our own. They are a true blessing to our family.
Anyone that knows me really well knows how much I love my Granny. She may drive me crazy sometimes, but it is purely out of love that she does it. A couple of years ago we added 3 rooms onto our house just so she could come and live with us when she retired from work. It was a huge adjustment to our lives when she moved in, but I cannot imagine at all her not being there everyday. My kids love her so much and she takes such good care of us. When I first found out I was pregnant I was so tired and sick, if it had not been for her my house would have fallen apart. she helps me so much and I am so appreciative to her.
"Other Granny" as my kids call her is so very special to us and it is hard to see her heart hurting with the emotions she is dealing with. When Gracie was little and I worked in Greenwood, Gracie would go and stay with her on Thursdays if Granny wasnt getting her hair done. Sam's momma, called Granny also, would always tell Gracie that she was going to her other Granny's, Gracie just started calling my Granny "other Granny". It was the cutest thing, now both of them call her other Granny.
She may be a Granny too - but there is absolutely no "OTHER" Granny like her.
If you havent, then I ask that you please read my other blog page with all prayer request. If anyone has a request I would love to list it so others may begin to pray and lift them to the Lord. Just email me and I will add any request at that time.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Let your light shine before others, so that they may set your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven ...... Matthew 5:16

Babies first blanket. My mom made this for the baby. Its pink and brown and just beautiful. She made one for Gracie and Jake when they were born.
My favorite website at this moment is I look on this site about every day. They have everything and anything.
Especially for babies, and since we are getting more and more in baby mode I love looking at everything baby.
I found these little crocheted hats with flowers on them and they are just adorable. I think she needs one in every color
I think this one is my favorite
They also have really cute headbands with the flowers on them. I know at the little boutiques here in town they run around $30 or so, but I found them on them at etsy for as low as $5.
Are they not the sweetest little things. Sophie has just got to have a headband like these.
I also found the cutest little booties. They have every imaginable color you can think of

Every little girl needs the perfect pair of shoes, Sophie just might have several pair of the perfect shoe. Are they not so precious!!!!
I found this one seller that has the wood letters for sell. She paints them in any design you want and places a matching ribbon so you can hang them.
I found one with Sophie's name
But the designs on these will coordinate with the bedding that I picked out better.
I might have to change my bedding choice bc I really like the designs on the one in her name.
Now for apparel. Every little girl needs a pillowcase dress. Gracie had one and she wore the thing out. They are just to sweet on them. These are my favorites.
But I think the sweetest thing I found was of this little baby with a stocking cap.
These are my Friday Favorite Finds.
Hope this is a blessed weekend for everyone. We have a really busy weekend planned, just hope I can find time to finally have a Sunday nap - havent gotten one of those in so long...

Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

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Brand New

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3 Months Old

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Seven Months

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9 Months