Friday, January 29, 2010

1 Month Old

Sophie is 1 Month old today. Took some pictures this week of her to send to out of state family so they can see how sweet she is. Cant believe its been a month, its going by way to fast already.

Tub Bath and Jake/Mommy time

Took Sophie to the doctor Wednesday for a check after leaving the hospital. Doc says that she is doing good and her lungs so so good compared to when he put her in the hospital, PRAISE THE LORD!!

Sophie had her first BATHTUB bath the other day and she was not a happy bather at all. Sweet Gracie tried to take a few pictures of my bathing her put that didnt go as good as I had hoped, we were able to get just a couple that were not completely blurry!

                               Started out really positive, just went down hill from this point

First we dont like to have our hair washed

Really dont like baths

Didnt like the drying off part either

She was so not having anything to do with taking a bath, but she sure did smell so baby sweet afterwards

Jake and Mommy Time

Jake told me the other night that I never hold him anymore. Broke my heart. I still hold him just not as much as I use to be able to and not bc I dont want to. It has been a big adjustment for everyone since Sophie joined our family, but I think Jake has had the hardest time. My world was all about him bc he just loves his momma so much and now Sophie takes so much of my time.
So I decided to have a mommy and Jake day. I took Sophie to my mother-in-laws, who was so glad to get her and who is sooooo ready for me to go back to work so she can keep her, and I went and spent the afternoon with Jake.
I think he really enjoyed it. Took him to McDonalds and went and bought some Valentine prizes for his class and got a birthday present for a little girl whose party is this weekend, Jake picked out some jewelry for her all by himself - so sweet and then got his hair cut.
We even stopped by Sonic and ate ice cream. He seemed to really enjoy himself and I loved being with him. I love my girls, but there is something about a momma's boy that just makes a momma's heart beat an extra beat. Understand now why Eric has always been my mom's favorite (haha)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Feeling Better

A week in the hospital will totally wear you out and I wasnt even the patient. With nurses, uncomfortable bed, bad food, BEING AWAY FROM MY FAMILY, and nerves, the past week was awful, but things are finally better.

Sophie has been doing great since we have been home. She is sleeping better and eating really good and growing every day. Seems like you can look at her and watch her little cheeks just fill out. Gracie and Jake are glad things are back to normal too, daddy just dont do things like momma does.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rocky Start

These first 3 weeks of being a mom again have been very rocky. Just about the time that things were settling down and it seemed we were finally getting use to be a family of 5, the rug gets pulled out from under us.

On Wednesday January 13,2010, we took Sophie to the dr for a stuffy nose and a cough that had started Monday afternoon. We found out that Sophie had pnuemonia in her right lung and RSV, to the hospital we went.

We have now been in here 5 days and have about 2 more days to go, praying we get to go home Tuesday.

Dr. Huddleston has been on call this weekend and she says that Sophie is doing so much better. They finally got the results from her xray she had yesterday and the pnuemonia is gone out of her lung, just a couple spots of bronchial stuff on them, just got to wait for Dr. Bolden to come in on Tuesday to release us, Dr Huddleston says he should let us go home then bc Sophie sounds much better.

It has been a very hard week, just being in the hospital has wore me out and emotionally I am crazy. I miss my other kids a whole bunch and miss my husband so bad, just want to be at home with my family and out of this hospital room.

Just a few pictures of our week in the Hospital. God has been very good to us and blessed Sophie so much with her health, now we just need to get home and get back to our life. Thanks to everyone who prayed for our family and for sweet Sophie.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally Here

She is finally here!!! Sophie Katherine made her arrival on 12/29/09 at 12:47 pm in Tupelo, MS. Weighing 6lbs 15oz and 19 1/4 inches long. She is so precious and sweet and I am so glad that she is mine

My labor started about 9:00 am on 12/29 and by 12:47pm she was here. She looked so much like Jake it was unbelievable.

I still cant believe that she is here. The last few weeks of being pregnant were so hard. I had been feeling so bad. But looking at her and holding her made it so worth it. I just cant seem to put her down.

The kids are so crazy about her too. Gracie wants to hold her all the time and Jake just kisses on her non-stop. It is so sweet.

The other night he came in my room and asked if Sophie called his name. I told him she sure did, so he came and talked to her and just loved on her.

Sam has been absolutely great. He has really been different with Sophie than with Gracie and Jake. I dont know if it is bc we are older having her or what but seeing him with her just melts my heart sometime. And with me to, he has been so sweet in taking care of me. He even vacumed the house before everyone came over to see sweet Sophie. He is taking such great care of me, Im so lucky to have him.

It still doesnt seem like its been a week though. I pray that this time will go by slow

Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

How many visitors have we had

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Brand New

Brand New

1 Month

1 Month

2 Months

2 Months

3 Months Old

3 Months Old

4 Months

4 Months

5 Months

5 Months

6 Months

6 Months

Seven Months

Seven Months

8 Months

8 Months

9 Months

9 Months