Friday, August 28, 2009


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

We serve such an AMAZING GOD!!!

The past couple of weeks have just been really rough for me and I think I have finally let the load fall, though Christ has not let me fall.

Working full time, soccer for two kids, homework, church, trying to take care of my grandmother (bless her heart) and all her worries and make her feel loved and wanted, making sure I find time everyday to spend with my kids, my husband (who is probably getting ready to leave to go out of town for work) and who has been struggling himself, a brother who cant seem to get steady on his feet and I worry about all the time and I feel the need to bailout whenever he falls, BEING PREGNANT and trying to hold all of it together - I feel today that I have fallen really short of my duties.

Then I get to work and pull up my blog page to post, and I notice that a friend of mine has just posted (3 Minutes before) words that made me cry.

(FROM THE SITE OF ENGRAVED.BLOGSPOT.COM)I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. Ezekial 22:30

I usually spend the time on my way to work in prayer with God, asking him and thanking him for that is in my life, some mornings I cry to him, some mornings I laugh to him - this morning I did neither, I sat in the quiet of my truck and disappeared. Wondering what the purpose of all in my life is and why does it have to be so much at the same time.

My husband has been down a lot lately - I ask that you all lift him up. We have had struggles and it is through the love of Jesus that we made it through, not understanding why we made it, but knowing the will of God is stronger and He will make all well in HIS time.

I love my husband very dearly, more now than ever - I think it is bc of the hard times we went through that I love him even more, but seeing him hurting and stressed is very hard for me and I do not understand why he struggles so hard and I feel today that I can do nothing.

But after reading from the ENGRAVED site and the words that God placed on her, I feel that I am here to stand the GAP.

My load is heavy and I feel to weak to carry it right now. My eyes are overwhelmed with tears that I just hold back bc I am suppose to be the strong one.

My friend asked if we knew anyone who needed prayer or anyone that we felt was slipping through the cracks. I would like to band with her and ask you all the same questions and also ask that you take that person and lift them as high as Christ.

You may not can doing anything but pray for them, BUT - praying is all you really need to do!!!

Our life, both joy and sadness, is in HIS HANDS.

1 comment:

Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

How many visitors have we had

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