Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And with a big Grin my baby girl turns TEN

Cannot believe that it has been 10 years to the day that we welcomed a precious baby girl into this big ole world. Seems like yesterday that we decided to have a baby. Now growing up so fast, right before my eyes and im scared to blink fearing that I might miss something so special.

In the past 10 years we have watched her learn to walk, encouraged her to talk, then tried to convince her not to talk soooo much, she has fallen and almost bitten her tongue off, she has had stitches from falling on a fire hydrant at school, she has had the mumps, she has saved Jakes life twice (once when he fell off the porch and busted his head & again when he was 3 and put his head through the cord on a mini blind - she heard him struggling and was smart enough to cut the cord with some scissors) needless to say none of our mini blinds have strings on them anymore. She helped teach Jake to swim, she has learned all of her TEN commandments, all books of Old and New testament, has prayed for others, made others smile and loved more than any little girl I know.

She is the first grandchild on my side and had my brother Eric wrapped around his finger. She holds the key to her dads heart and is by far the greatest earthly blessing that I have ever had. She smiles with her heart and her eyes shine with His love. She can be moody and fussy but can be kind and giving all in the same day. With her curls and bright blue eyes she brightens the dullest of days. She can make me madder than anything (yes because we are just alike) and wipe it all away with a hug that goes forever.

To me she is bossy, to Sam she is baby girl, to my mom she is boss lady, to pops she is butterbean, to granny she is pretty girl and Pawpaw she is peanut. Jake thinks she hung the moon but they can fight like 2 caged hens, Sophie is still so young but I know one day she will want to follow every move she makes.

10 years have passed so fast but it has been the greatest 10 years of my life. She loves the Lord and holds him close and my prayer for her is that she will do all to honor Him.

Happy Birthday Bossy - Momma loves you 

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Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

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Brand New

Brand New

1 Month

1 Month

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2 Months

3 Months Old

3 Months Old

4 Months

4 Months

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5 Months

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6 Months

Seven Months

Seven Months

8 Months

8 Months

9 Months

9 Months