Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby Shower

No we have not had a baby yet, I have just been in hiding. Trying to avoid getting sick, which didnt work. The whole week of Thanksgiving I was in the bed feeling awful. Finally have almost gotten over the crupe and starting to feel better from all that, now im just miserably uncomfortable from being hugely pregnant.

Im so ready to have this baby. Only a few more weeks and she will be here, but I pray so hard that she will come now and that we will have her home before Christmas.

My best friend gave me a baby shower this past weekend. We had a really great time and Sophie got some really cute things.

Some pics from Sunday

That I even fit in the picture amazes me. I feel enormous.

Sophie's Cake. Didnt get to eat any bc of my diabetes, but everyone else talked about how good it was and it was so cute.

All Sophie's gifts. So much fun unwrapping stuff even if its not for me.

Some of Sophie's party goers!!

Starting to open gifts - SO MUCH FUN

We had such a good time and I am so thankful to everyone that came and all the things they brought for Sophie. Everyone is really excited about her almost being here.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Reading Fair

Lord God, I desire to bow down to You in worship,  I want to kneel before the Lord my Maker; for you are my God, and I am among the sheep of your pasture, the flock under your care  Psalm 95-6-7

I have been doing so horrible on my blog the last few weeks, just have not been in much of a mood to share anything. Things have been so crazy.
Things finally seem to be calm for the minute. And I literally mean for the minute
The kids are doing great. Gracie had a reading fair this week. She didnt place but she worked her little tail off on her reading board and It looked really good. Im really proud of her and the effort she put into it. She worked on it for 2 weekends in a row and didnt even complain.

Her book was " How to make 4 million dollars by next Thursday" so she glued money every where. It really looked good. She should get her grade today. Either way I am bery proud of her. Now she is ready for the Science fair after Christmas.

Jake has just been being a tator. He had a bike accident the other day. I go walking every afternoon and while Im walking he rides his bike. Well he went down a hill in the pasture and hit a bump and went over the handle bars head first. He tried so hard to be tough and not cry but it finally got to him.

So hearing about his accident, his granny went the very next day and bought him a helmet and knee and elbow pads.


Sam's work was really slow but in the last few weeks we have been so blessed and work has picked up extremely well that he has even been working Saturdays. He did manage to squeeze some play time in with the kids this past weekend. Gracie had our "other" daughter Savannah over this past weekend and Sam was giving piggy back rides. Tried to get him to give Sophie a ride but I kinda just got a crazy look. (haha)

Sophie is still growing, so am I. I did go to the doctor last week and lost 2 pounds and when I went this week I had not gained or lost, but I still feel huge. 34 weeks and counting. Still planning on her making an early arrival. More like praying she will make an early arrival.
My sugar levels have been great, no insulin needed at this time so that is a huge blessing to me. Now if we can just make it down the rode a few more weeks everything will be good, just got to waddle along for a little bit more.
Im so ready for turkey day too and I dont know why. I cant eat much of anything but just the thought of being off and having some fried turkey is making my mouth water. I pray everyone has a blessed Holiday.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Ways

The gracious hand of my God is upon me     Nehemiah   2:18

Went for my diabetes screen yesterday and also had a Dr appt with Dr. McMillin. My appt with Dr McMillin went well. I have lost 2 pounds, no big deal at all. We talked about the gestational diabetes and the affects on me and the baby. Was really kinda hard to take all in, especially the part about it increasing my chances for a C-section. That makes me nervous. I have never even had an epidural and the thought of being cut open scares me to death. Im trying not to let my mind carry me there though, I know that is worst case scenario and it would also be in the best interest of Sophie if it came to that, but with all my heart I pray that a C-section will be avoided.

I started this morning checking my blood sugars.
my new best friend!!!

I have to test 4 times a day. Right now I am trying to manage with diet and so far so good. My levels both time this morning were low - yeah. Still scares me. I am watching everything I put in my mouth and pray that God will let it work well with my body so no harm will come to Sophie, right now she is my utmost concern.

My other new friend is water

That is a 20oz bottle and drink about 6 of these a day. Yes I feel like a fish. I like water but on average 120 oz of water a day, even a fish would be sick I think. At times it is really hard to drink it when all I really want is a big ole glass of sweet tea, but I know to be take care of my sugar and better take care of Sophie, the sacrifice is so worth it, but once she gets here I better have a large glass of sweet tea waiting on me, that is my only request.

I am probably going to the extreme, but I am either all or none, so when something comes up I either give it my all or I dont do it at all. I really need to work on that probably.

As far as Sophie is concerned the doc says that she is exactly where she needs to be. Last week I was measuring 2 cm larger than I should have been, yesterday I was right on target. My ultrasound estimated her to weigh about 3.7 oz, and that is right where she should weigh at this time.

So now we just wait. I go back next Wednesday so they can review my blood levels and see if anything needs to be adjusted and make sure the diet is working and that I dont need insulin shots. So pray that my food intake will be good enough to control my levels.

Also a huge thanks to my mother-in-law and father-in-law. They are letting me use one of thier meters and the strips so I would not have to buy one. The meter it self is not expensive but the strips and the sticker things are even with insurance. So I am very grateful to them for helping me out and loving me so much.

Friday, November 6, 2009

32 weeks

We have about 8 weeks until Sophie's actual due date, but about 6 weeks until the Dr will hopefully induce if she dont come before. So I am hoping we will have her in our arms for Christmas this year.

We went and had a sonogram Tuesday to make sure of her growth, I was measuring about 2cm bigger, but everything looks good and they estimated her weight at about 3 lbs 8 ozs which is right on track. She has already turned head down, which is good. The Tech said she should stay bc once they turn they normally are getting in the position for delivery, yeah.
Still dealing with the whole gestational diabetes thing. I know it is my body, but just wonder if I could have done something different. I have started watching everything I put in my mouth, Im keeping a journal of everthing I eat and drink to help me keep track. I go to a specialist Monday who will show me how to check my blood and make sure that everything is ok. Kinda nervous about that.
Still growing and plumping out. I was 32 weeks Wednesday and I feel enormous already.

Im not as tired as I have been being, but really feel heavy, and Sophie moves all the time which is very encouraging, just lets me know that she is good and strong.
The kids are getting really excited the closer it gets. I know that our world is about to change and Im trying to figure out how I will get everything done in the mornings so we can get out on time. I know it will work and she is going to be such a huge blessing to our family and our mornings.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Praise be to the GOD and the FATHER of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles    2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Knowing that the Lord is my comfort and my strength is found in Him is all that is getting me through at this point. I went Tuesday and did my glucose 3 hour test and found out yesterday that I did not pass. My fasting time was normal but my 1hour, 2 hour and 3 hour levels were all elevated, meaning I have gestational diabetes. SCARED TO DEATH.
Everyone tries to keep reassuring me that this is not uncommon, but for me it is. I didnt have this issue with Gracie or Jake so why now? I thought I was playing the same way with Sophie as I did with my other two pregnancies but my body doesnt seem to want to work the same this go around.
I have cried all night and I dont really know why. I cant make it go away, I cant take it back or undo it, I can manage it though. I go Monday to see a specialist who will help me with checking my blood and all and I also go to my regular doctor for my normal appointment.
When it rains it poors and this year it seems like I have encountered flood after flood.
The year started with my granddaddy getting really sick and finally got to a point where I couldnt take care of them by myslef so they had to move and my mawmaw is so unhappy, then my cousin being diagnosed with cancer, who later lost his fight in September. Sam's dad had a heart attack in May and then a quadruple bypass surgery, our uncle is having a pacemaker put in this morning and my granddaddy is have a permanant cathader put in today also. This has been one of the hardest years stress wise that I remember, This baby is going to be so strong with all the stress we have been through this year.
Things are just crazy and I am overwhelmed at this time.
Up side we did have a really good Halloween and the kids looked so cute in their costumes.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Fun

Jake had his Halloween party at preschool today and it was so cute. They sang some of the cutest songs and then ate some treats afterwards. Jake was a Ninja Turtle. It is so funny that he was, bc I remember my brother Eric being a Ninja Turtle for Halloween one year and to think that they have come back in style is kinda cool.

Jake and his classmates singing their songs

Time for Halloween Treats

Cousin Ethan and Jakes best bud

Jake and Mrs. Tammy

Jake and Mrs. Heather

My Turtle Tator

This is Jake and Peron. The little girls mother introduced herself to my by saying that the little girl talks about Jake AAAALLLLLL the time. So sweet

We are suppose to go to a Harvest Festival tomorrow night, dont feel to safe with the whole Trick or Treating thing these days. Well I hope everyone has a blessed and Happy Halloween.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Glucose Test

Anyone who is among the living has hope       Ecclesiastes 9:4

A Backyard Burger and French Fries

A coca cola

and about 9 hershey kisses bc I didnt have a candy bar

Makes a 143 on my glucose test Monday at the doctor and now moves me to the next step of taking a long 3 hour test at the hospital to have my blood sugar check to see if I have gestational diabetes.

So aggrivated with the whole thing. They give you a list of all this food that you have to eat within a certain time. It was more food than I normally eat at one time and then my sugar comes back bad. I know its a safety pre caution to make sure the baby will be healthy but the thought of having to go the hospital and sit for 3 1/2 to 4 hours and drink bottles of sugar water every hour does not excite me at all.

Just pray that everything will be good on the next test. I go Tuesday to take it and afterwards I go and have a sonogram to check the baby bc Im measuring 2 weeks further along than what the dr originally has thought. I been telling him the whole time that I was farther along than his estimate, but he is the doctor so I guess he knows better. I been telling every one that she is not going to last until the end of December, I really think she is going to come early, just by the way I feel. God had her day picked out, but if she hasnt come by the 28th of December then the doctor will induce me at that time. Either way we will have a '09 baby.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

30 Weeks

Those who look to the Lord are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame    Psalm 34:5

30 weeks and counting. Only 10 weeks to go before Sophie makes her appearance. I am not convinced that she will last that long though. I have mild contractions alot. They are never regular but they are at times tense. I really dont know what to expect with the third baby, dont know many people that have 3 babies. I have read that the third baby sometimes comes earlier and faster. Its the faster part that scares the dickons out of me.
With Gracie, labor and delivery was just over 4 hours, with Jake labor and delivery was about 3 1/2 hours. Kinda freaks me out that she will come even faster than that and with the drive to Tupelo I might be dilvering at home like the "Duggars", I just love that show and all they stand for. Such a good family show.

Well Sophie is just a growing and moving and bumping around, like at 3 this morning when she woke me up moving around. I could not get her settled down at all. I dont know if normally I just dont feel her during the night or if she was just being difficult and wanting to play last night. I got up and walked around trying to get her settled down so I could go back to sleep, but every time I layed down, my belly would start rumbling with her moving. It is the neatest feeling, but I really wanted to sleep. The kids love to talk to her and feel her move, Jake tells her he loves her every night with a big ole bear hug around my belly, i know he is gonna make the best big brother ever and Gracie is going to take such good care of her.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Praising in the Storm

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today   Matthew 6:34

I have so been slacking. In everything I am suppose to be doing. I have been struggling with storms in my life lately and have let things get to me that normally I could just blow away without a thought.
I watch "Facing the Giants" this weekend for about the 100th time. Just felt a strong urge to watch this movie Friday night. Gracie was gone to stay with a friend, Jake was occupied with some toys, Sam was relaxing in our room watching a man show like Discovery or History channel, Granny was watching Game shows and I was just wondering, so I dug out "Facing the Giants" and went in Gracie's room and turned it on.
I have watched this movie seriously 100 times, it is just a really good movie.
Things are difficult in this world. I can name so many people that I know who are struggling with huge burdens and seem to find know light at the end of the tunnel.
After watching this movie for the 100th time I got to thinking. Do we really PRAISE HIM IN THE STORM? It is so easy to thank God for the unlimited and uncountable blessings in our lifes, or to go to him when things are so hard and ask him to help us and get us out of it, but do you ever just praise him for the struggles you face.
I am working on this. I pray every day, sometimes long seemingly unending prayers, some days prayers so short I wonder does he consider it a pray or just my babble? But do I really praise him for my good days and then praise him for my bad days.

I have way to much in my life to thankful for, I have been so blessed in my life. Two children whom I love more than I ever thought possible, A husband who would give his last breathe for me, and Granny who has raised me and taken care of me even to this day, in laws who accept me as their own, a job, friends who I know I can count on, just to many things to list, but yet I let things get to me and I finally break down. Im sure my hormones right now have a huge part in my emotions at this time but I believe also that God is using this to pull me even closer to him. As close as we think we are to him we are never quiet as close as we should be.
I challenge you to look at your life and the struggles you are  facing and ask "AM I PRAISING HIM THROUGH THIS STORM"? There is a beautiful song called "Praise you in the Storm" by Jeremy Camp I believe. I love this song, I sing this song in my head all the time. It is so easy to give praise when things are going our way, but when things are hard we beg for help. Maybe we need to praise him for the struggles to, its the struggles that pull us closer to him anyway.

Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

How many visitors have we had

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Brand New

Brand New

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3 Months Old

3 Months Old

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Seven Months

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9 Months