Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy 4 Months

Sassy is 4 months old today. It is so hard to believe that it has already been 4 months. She has changed so much from that so tiny baby that we brought home.

She babbles ALL the time. Sometimes it is hard to tell if she is fussing or talking. She is nawing on her hands and drooling like crazy. We have tried the teething tablets and they seem to be working really good. Never had those with Gracie or Jake. She has found her feet and is in the process of getting them to her mouth (Oh to be so limber). She has gotten very chubby compared to that teeny tiny baby I once held. She loves her big brother and hunts for him if she hears his voice. Gracie has been the only one so far that can get her to giggling so hard you just cant helped but laugh too, she is facinated with her dad and will just sit and watch every move he makes, and will just light up when she sees my grandmother every morning (I think Granny gets up before we leave just to see Sophie and ask her for a smile, never fails - Sophie always gives her a smile).
She is a very good eater, loves applesause and likes peaches, not crazy about carrots but will eat sweet potatoes ok. Makes a really funny face if she eats prunes and just does not like squash at all. She loves to be held, wants to be walked, hates to lay down, will stand every chance she gets, likes the swing and LOVES being outside.

Just watching her grow is so amazing. I remember when Gracie was little wanting her to grow so fast, just couldnt wait until she did the next milestone, with Sophie I just want her slow down, I want to savor all these moments and them to take as long as possible. They just grow way to fast.

She has been sick most of this week so we have been making alternate sleeping arrangements. We have slept in the recliner a few nights, then in her bouncy seat a night, then I put the bobbi pillow in her bed so she could prop up on that one night. She always falls asleep in the swing so this has become my new best friend when she gets fussy. Im just so thankful that we didnt have to visit the hospital this go around (that was the worst week ever).

I love her so much and cant say enough how thankful I am for Gods plan of putting her in our lives.

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Sophie's Growing Chart

Born - Dec 29, 2009 - 6lbs 15oz 19 1/2 inches long

2 Weeks old - hospitalized for pnuemonia and RSV

4weeks - 7lbs 5 oz

6 weeks - first Valentines

8 weeks - went to stay with Granny/momma went back to work

9 weeks - slept all night for first time

12 weeks - started holding things and putting in mouth

3 Months - first shots - 13lbs 9.6oz 23 1/2 inches long

3 Months 2 weeks - giggled out loud for first time

3 Months 3 1/2 weeks - starting to grab feet and put in her mouth

4 Months - rolling over

5 Months - first accident - fell off Granny's couch

6 months - 17 lbs 6 oz - sits alone, rolls everywhere, getting on knees to try and crawl

7 Months - completely crawling, took a few steps by herself

7 months - fell out of baby bed

9 months -20lb 3.2 ozs, walking without help, still not sleeping all night, but only gets up once, says dada, bye bye and papa

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Brand New

Brand New

1 Month

1 Month

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2 Months

3 Months Old

3 Months Old

4 Months

4 Months

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5 Months

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6 Months

Seven Months

Seven Months

8 Months

8 Months

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9 Months